Tuesday, September 15, 2009

About Open Umbrella

Really funny commercials for comparethemarket.com by VCCP London.

Comparethemarket.com had a tough but single-minded challenge: to get people to search them out by name. Few consumers differentiated between price comparison sites and the similar-sounding URLs were easily confused. Comparethemarket.com needed to find a way to stand out from the crowd and be truly memorable. With half the spend of key competitors, they required a creative vehicle that drove a disproportionate level of awareness compared to their media budget.

Our concentrated brand idea was to be the price comparison site with personality. The brand world was built around comparethemeerkat.com – an altogether different type of comparison site owned by Aleksandr the meerkat. Aleksandr has become increasingly frustrated with people confusing his meerkat comparison site with comparethemarket.com.

The campaign has been a phenomenal success, transforming the business of comparethemarket.com. In the first 9 weeks quotes increased 80% and cost per acquisition was reduced by 73%. Spontaneous awareness has almost tripled from 20% to 59%. Aleksandr has almost half a million fans on Facebook and 13,000 followers on Twitter. This makes him officially more popular than Wayne Rooney and more influential than Hilary Clinton!